As I prepare to watch the Olympic Games this evening (anticipate late nights, set Tivo, buy extra boxes of Kleenex), I can’t help but to think back on my own athletic endeavors and Olympic dreams. It seems like a lifetime ago, but has contributed to almost half of my life.

I’m not sure why, but I sometimes have a hard time reminiscing. I’m so proud of all that I achieved (national recognition and a scholarship to UCLA), but damn that Olympic theme song leaves me pining for more! I think it’s my athlete ego that eggs on the “what ifs, if only I, could’ve should’ve would’ve”…

But this mantra must go where my leotards, sparkles and muscle bound bod (to the disappointment of my hubby) have gone… to a place in my past, but not forgotten (how could I forget the look of lycra)…and perhaps replaced with a new anthem that commemorates courage, strength and a note of pride. For the athlete in us all deserves praise in leaps and bounds no matter how much we feel we rose or fell in our expectations.

So keep this in mind as we watch these brave men and women go after their dreams… there is no fall big enough, judge powerful enough, or finish low enough to erase the Olympian in each and every one of them. Their work is worth half of a lifetime, not what hangs on a moment…

Let the games begin…

And yes, Carrie Bradshaw… that is a scrunchie…I wore hundreds of them.

Ghost of muscles past…

Blue Steel…

One more small accomplishment ;)…