When it comes to family photo shoots… I tend to keep things simple, and I also tend to think spontaneously on the day. I like to capture real life moments. My favorite family photographer, Avia Rosen, knows this about me and rides the wave perfectly, finding the shots and moments I’m looking for.

My only request for Baby Girl Murphy Maternity Shoot was that we somehow capture the spirit of my photos taken by Lily Eichert from when I was pregnant with Parker.

I didn’t know how we’d capture the light (the first shoot being at the beach), but Avia was quick on her feet and we removed the screen from my front window.

I kept the wrap I had used the first time around… and VOILA… it was exactly what I wanted :).

We also took some family shots at a space I happened upon earlier in the year with a TOTALLY different vibe… but those ended up on our holiday card. I don’t want to spoil the surprise for the recipients, so I will post those pics in a couple of weeks!

Thanks again Avia for capturing the magic (and to Lily for the original inspiration)!

Original inspiration on the left… Parker, now three, and new baby belly on the right ;).






We did this shot for fun… I’m kinda digging that it shows off the different textures (little snapshots) in our home (even though we COMPLETELY moved everything out of it’s original position)!