It’s my Tell Me Your Love Story… Giveaway Three today… and it features another friend and lovely lady, Tessa Johnson, Marketing Manager from Drybar!

The rules are… there are no rules… but to LOVE 😉 . What’s your story?

Tessa tells us hers and plans to giveaway a Drybar blowout…

Don’t be shy… blow me away!

While growing up, I always wished I had an older sister instead of an older brother. Someone to look up to, play dolls with, braid my hair, teach me how to put on makeup….typical things little girls love. Little did I know, growing up with my older brother whose love for me was so deep would be such a blessing in my life. I was the most watched over little sister in the world! 

 Not only did he keep me safe (especially from his cute friends!), he taught me how to be tough and not afraid to play in the dirt (even if my dress got dirty), encouraging me to never settle, to keep my sense of humor (especially when I had my heart broken…) and to remember things will work out for the best. Despite many of these lessons being “tough love” ones, it was always with the best of intentions. This love story is ours as brother and sister, a special bond between siblings I will always cherish. 

View Next in Series: Tell Me Your Love Story... Our Heiday Giveaway!