This Sunday was perfect. Sort of.

You see… Sunday is my hubby’s only day off… so it’s really the only FULL day we have together as a family. We spent the morning having breakfast and playing at the park. I love my boys so much!

Park time…

… You know what else I love?


… but it’s SO hard to find the time to surf now with a little one at home. Do I want to spend the money on babysitting time so that I can go out and play? It never quite computes in my mind… which is why it has been a year and half since I’ve surfed.

Cut to yesterday… and there is a reunion of sorts happening down at the beach.

I’m in that tug-of-war between family time and “me” time… a struggle that is ever so constant since having a child… because guilt steps in and gets me every time.

Tides and nap time weren’t cooperating, so it meant that if I was going to surf… I was going solo… sans the fam. UGH!

Thank God I have a hubby that pushed me to go… because I got to have it “all” yesterday… maybe not in the most perfect combination of circumstances… but life isn’t perfect.

I took some time for me… and I surfed “guilt-free”.

Thanks Big P ;)…

Reacquainting myself with Birdie (my surfboard)…

June gloom ain’t gettin in our way!

The girls of summer…

Ok… here’s where some guilt crept in ;)…