There’s something about a 30 under 30 list that REALLY reminds me that I’m about to turn 40. Girls (and boys) defined as bright, young things with the world at their feet and a future filled with fabulosity!

Don’t get me wrong… I still find these “kids” inspiring (I follow along with a few of their blogs and look forward to what they are doing next)… but I can’t help but to think (especially on a personal level)… that if 40 is the new 30 (or even 20), then why don’t we have a list of our own? When you hit 40…  have you somehow tipped past the “inspirational” tipping point?

My thirties were amazing… but to be honest… creatively, I was still struggling to find myself. If you’ve been reading this blog, then you know my career has only recently taken a turn towards what I love, and I am finally living out my passion.

So lists be damned! I find them too confining and exclusive (watch me eat my words if I end up on a list worth loving some day ;)). I will strive to be more inspiring and groundbreaking in some way, every day, with a nod to those in their thirties, and to those in their fifties and beyond!

In fact… I think I’ll take a cue from this fabulous mama… who takes cues from no one and continues to pave her own way (without a doubt, the only celeb I just DIE to see BRINGing it to the Met Ball every year).

Stay tuned to hear how I’ll be celebrating my BIG birthday… I’ve already given two clues ;). I have a few fun posts coming up as a preview, and I promise they will be FABULOUS!