Yes… we have another baby on board… and we’re ALL headed to Boston (for the next two months)!

We are almost 18 weeks (although I seem to look bigger in this pic… ha!), and we couldn’t be more thrilled!

We wanted to wait to share the news, because two pregnancies didn’t work out, so we really took our time in telling everyone. Because of our past experiences, I’m still a little bit nervous, but I’m starting to “let go” and enjoy this new little nugget :).

This pregnancy was MUCH tougher on me through the first trimester, which is WHY I was so flaky on my posts! Finally… I get to explain things! I just couldn’t seem to stay awake long enough to type (let alone research and put together) more than 2-3 posts a week.

The upswing? Now I seem to be a night owl… so back on track, I am (in Yoda voice).

I look forward to bringing you my pregnancy style… thank GOD most of it falls in Fall and Winter… my FAVE! Expect some FIERCE outfits… I’ve already got them lined up!

And the sex? Oh that will be revealed on my birthday weekend in NYC … stay tuned!


Baby’s First “Selfie” ;).

Celfie T-Shirt: Sincerly Jules // Boyfriend Maternity Jeans: Sold Design Lab // Converse: Chuck Taylor Low