… by a baby… a beautiful but sniffly, voraciously hungry baby.

I usually don’t like to air my grievances too often, especially on this blog. No one needs a Debbie Downer. But I also don’t want to project a perfect life full of glitter, rainbows, roses and gleaming white backdrops.

Things have been tough y’all!

I have had a ROUGH time juggling it all!

I really thought this would be easier, and I could and would find time for everything on my To Do list each day. Um… I’m happy if I scratch off two out of twenty items.

The main issue? Sleep. Or rather, the lack of. I haven’t had a full night’s sleep in 7 weeks. Avery May obviously kept me up (expectedly) for the first four weeks as babies do…  but since then, she’s had a cold (finally over… whew!)… and subsequently has been cluster feeding (growth spurt = breast feeding every couple of hours). I’ve been averaging three hour stretches of sleep (on and off) per night, since she was born.

It finally caught up to me this past week. After my first ladies night out, I went home feeling cold and achy. I spent the next couple of days with a fever and sore muscles and no other symptoms. My hubby came home early last Thursday, I pumped enough milk for a bottle for the grub monster, and I took a four hour nap. Bingo. It’s all I needed.

… so this radio silence on the blog…

… I’ve been forced into bed by 10pm (the only time I have to work and write), because that is my gurl A’s bedtime. If  I don’t retire at this hour, I’m looking at a one hour “nap” before she wakes up to eat again.

I’m trying REAL hard to keep from getting frustrated. I’ve just worked so hard on this blog, making connections and putting myself out there… that’s it’s tough to be forced into a mini-hiatus. I must have been on some kind of pregnancy high, thinking I would just jump right back where I left off in only a few short minutes. Another total delusion? Oh the belief that my newborn would somehow coordinate her nap with my three year old so I could work. Pregnancy hormones are the bomb-diggity, ya’ll.

I guess some people make it look so easy.

Well I’m here to tell you that it’s not.

It’s amazing, and wonderful and I wouldn’t trade it for anything else in the world… but it’s crazy hard work… and I miss “my” work.

But I’ll figure it all out soon… again. And those rainbows and roses will return when my sleep does (at least a 6 hour stretch of it).

I’ll keep ya posted ;).