When I got the call to create a window for this year’s LCDQ Legends 2014: Novel Interiors, I couldn’t have been more honored and excited. And then shit got real… real fast!
You see… I had less time to get it done, and a newborn to juggle into the mix… but when opportunity knocks… you open the door (or window ;)).
I had a few ideas for the novel I would base my window design on… but I couldn’t make the final decision until I visited the storefront and checked out their fabric collection. As a window designer, you are not required to use your store’s product… but I have such a love affair with fabric and textiles, that I knew I would both let them inspire me, and also allow them to be a huge part of my presentation.
These are the fabrics I chose from MK Collection to bring home and to think about. I absolutely loved the colors and patterns and… VOILA… Memoirs Of A Geisha (the front runner) was solidified. The pinks are the color of the cherry blossoms in Japan, and the graphics reminded me of umbrellas and fans.
I knew it would be a lot of pattern on pattern… but I also knew it would work!
The first item to enter the window was a rug from the MK Rug Collection called Over The River. I had already bought river rocks to use in the window (a common theme in Japanese decor), so the rug was such a perfect compliment!
Gorgeous vases (my own and from Mecox LA) filled with cherry blossoms complimented the custom backdrop wallpapered with MK Wallpaper Scotch Mist, and the vintage trunk table (also from Mecox LA) felt appropriate for the novel set in pre and post World War II Japan… adding texture and a masculine touch I felt the design needed.
This is a detail closeup of the custom kimono I had made, and the edge of the umbrella… all using the store’s fabrics.
The pendants are from Arteriors, and give a nod to the traditional Japanese lantern… but with a modern touch. I custom made the fan, and the antique bird cage was just so stunning and it felt so right in the space (filled with those gorgeous cherry blossoms from Rolling Greens!).
I had SO much fun (although with the requisite stress) creating this space. Little Avery was a big part of this journey… my companion through shopping trips and installation…
… and I couldn’t have made it through these past few weeks without her new bestie Joel Longenecker, who runs the showroom and who couldn’t have been MORE of a delight to work with. To him I owe a HUGE thank you!
I’m telling you… I was chopped liver while Joel was around ;).
Post window design… it was all about the keynote speeches, lunches, brunches and parties…
… which I also brought Avery to. She’s a mini designer/blogger in the making! Here she is with the always-so-lovely Amy Meier of Amy Meier Design at the Blogger’s Breakfast.
Post Blogger’s breakfast… the fab Miss Kris Turner werking it in the Sherle Wagner showroom (a MUST see for the most gorgeous hardware!).
Stomping around LCDQ in my favorite shoes…
It wouldn’t be a Legends event without a book signing from Susanna Salk… a tradition I look forward to every year!
… and here’s a pic from the Domaine Home and Woven Accents hosted panel discussion on how the Internet has changed the design world. Mat Sanders always delivers one of the best and most popular panel discussions (insert TONS of laughter ;))… and Mark Sikes, Estee Stanley and Sophia Bush (who gave a shout out to my hubby!) were fantastic as well.
Thank you SO much LCDQ… this year was truly a year to remember! I am exhausted and ready to take it slow this week (mother’s day hangover?)… but I can’t wait to see what you bring in 2015!
Tune in tomorrow to see a roundup of my favorite windows!
View Next in Series: La Cienega Design Quarter’s 6th Annual Legends of La Cienaga… Part 2: The Windows!